Home & Auto
Life Insurance
Group Benefits
Retirement Planning
We review your current benefit plan, rates, employee data, and claims experience. Recommendations are provided on plan design, cost containment, and potential marketing for your plan. A plan summary is then prepared for the employer.
Leveraging our relationships with multiple insurers to provide competitive pricing and benefit plans. We ensure all employers are getting the same level of benefits.
As experienced insurance professionals, we negotiate reduced renewal rates and provide a clear understanding of the renewal process.
We provide claims reviews semi-annually to help employers make changes that can avoid increases and surprises on renewal. Taking stock of current experience and providing direction of future claims.
Not only do we provide claim reports, but we help you understand what they mean how how they impact your overall cost.
Scrivens helps employers administrate their benefit plan by proving tools and years of administrative experience.
Meeting with employees and explaining the benefits or helping them fill out the paper work. It's just part of our service commitment to employers.
Ensuring employers and employees get the answers to all their questions in an efficient and accurate manner is our priority.